The effect of using an innovative aid method on learning and improving the accuracy of basketball chest handling

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Faizah Abdul-Jabbar
Fatima Abdel Reda


Research introduction: Chest handling is described as team handling, as it is one of the most used skills in basketball if it is not the most used one, and it may in most cases be the basic building block on which differential performance is built. Therefore, it is one of the most important skills that may take time and effort to teach it From here, the importance of training in various means appears to accelerate the learning process, as well as perfect the requirements for skill performance.The importance of preparing innovative educational methods that are compatible with the requirements of the skillful and kinetic performance of the skill of chest handling has been diagnosed with the aim of enriching the educational curricula or even training methods that contribute to the acceleration of the learning process and contribute to the mastery of its skill requirements in particular. The basketball game is of great importance, and specifically the accuracy indicator because of its direct role in the success of the planning goals as well as the kinetic goals related to the planning performance, so the problem is summarized in the absence or scarcity of the means that contribute to teaching the player the skill according to its direct requirements and in the chest. The most prominent of these requirements is the element of accuracy.



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How to Cite
Faizah Abdul-Jabbar, & Fatima Abdel Reda. (2024). The effect of using an innovative aid method on learning and improving the accuracy of basketball chest handling. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(4), 138–144.
Review Paper