Rationing the achievement motivation scale for basketball school championship participants in the distinguished secondary – Education of Karkh 3

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Naseer Khudair Abbas


the importance of the research is to Rationing (achievement motivation)for basketball school championship participants in the distinguished secondary– Education of Karkh 3 ages (15-17) years to Determining standard levels with aim of rise the trainings level . This part also include the research's problem which represent that no exist for the preservation level which have the relation with tests of achievement motivation. The aims of the research (standardizing a measurement for achievement motivation and Identify degree and standard levels) . the researcher used descriptive method. A section views the results analysis of the variable under study and which has been reached to achieve the objectives of the reseal . It includes Conclusions and recommendations .It has been reached to design and standardizing measurement achievement motivation for basketball school championship participants in the distinguished secondary – Education of Karkh 3 ages (15-17) years and grading levels and its own standard


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How to Cite
Naseer Khudair Abbas. (2024). Rationing the achievement motivation scale for basketball school championship participants in the distinguished secondary – Education of Karkh 3. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(3), 211–224. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.2020.02.03.23