Physical movement_matic intelligence and its relationship to some men’s throat skills

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M. Ilham Ali Hassoun


The study summarizes that gymnastics is for one category of basic sports in a curriculum for the physical education circuit that requires accuracy, aesthetic and high fluidity when performing movements and we look for multiple devices and different skills on all devices and the difficulty of performing these skills, especially the throat device where movements consist of weighted and strength and strength movements shape Almost equal and the linking movements lead to placing attachment to the position of the pivot or traffic and the position of standing on the hands all these skills need physical and motor intelligence in order for the student to perform the skills on the device, for this the research problem appears in that the sports activity is taken with multiple types of emotional experiences that dominate its strength and that A clear indication affects a student's behavior when he encounters a difficult skill or movement on the throat device, where the distance from the ground is about 2,75 meters from the ground, so this study aims to identify the physical-motor intelligence of the third stage students and to identify the relationship between physical-motor intelligence with some skills The throat for men and accordingly the descriptive approach was chosen by the survey method and the research community was chosen vertically and it is the third stage students in the College of For Al-Mustansiriya Education for the academic year 2018-2019, as the study concluded that there is a close and statistically significant correlation between the level of physical intelligence and throat skills



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How to Cite
M. Ilham Ali Hassoun. (2024). Physical movement_matic intelligence and its relationship to some men’s throat skills. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(2), 113–119.