The effect of the number of Futsal lectures on the development of behavior and motivation among students of physical education and sports science

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Aseel Naji Fahd


The research aims to identify the impact of the number of lectures of futsal football in the development of behavior and motivation among students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Muthanna, and the researcher used the experimental approach to suit the nature of the research was determined sample of the students of the first stage, which number (30) students were divided On three groups randomly, by (10) students for each group, the first takes 3 lectures and the second two lectures and three one lecture, and the tools used in the research questionnaire to measure the motivation and observation of the behavior of students, and the researcher concluded a lecture Sala football In contrast to his preparation in the week role in the development of motivation for students, the researcher recommended increasing the number of football lecture halls to 3 lectures per week for their importance in the development of motor behavior and motivation.



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How to Cite
Aseel Naji Fahd. (2024). The effect of the number of Futsal lectures on the development of behavior and motivation among students of physical education and sports science. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(3), 48–56.