Tension and emotional arousal and their relationship to the performance of some basic skills on the floor movement apparatus in the technical gymnastics for women

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Shema APD Matar Amera Apd ALwahd


Search goal to:1- To identify the level of tension, emotional arousal, and the performance of some ground motor skills among the students of the second stage in the technical gymnast. 2- To identify the extent of the relationship of tension and emotional arousal with the performance of some ground motor skills among the students of the second stage in the technical gymnast. The descriptive survey method was used to suit the nature of the research problem. The research community consisted of the students of the second stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. As for the research sample, they were deliberately chosen from the students of the second stage in the artistic gymnast game, and their number reached (50) students. He also used a set of aids, including a measure of stress and emotional arousal.The most important results reached are:1- There are significant differences for each of the psychological tension and emotional arousal among the artistic gymnast players when the degree of tension and arousal is high among the players.2- There is a correlation between the performance of some motor skills, emotional arousal, and psychological tension, and a statistical significance of the artistic gymnast players. Attic recommended the researcher Ali1- Emphasis on increasing attention to the psychological aspect in general, and arousal and psychological tension in particular, among gymnastik players, in order to achieve a better performance.



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Amera Apd ALwahd, S. A. M. (2024). Tension and emotional arousal and their relationship to the performance of some basic skills on the floor movement apparatus in the technical gymnastics for women. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 544–552. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.Conf.4th.2023.32