The effect of aerobic exercise and fitness equipment on certain body measurements and physical fitness elements related to health among women (25-35) years

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Sundus Burhan Adham


The current research aims to identify the effect of aerobic exercises using the fitness bench on certain physical measurements and fitness elements related to health in women (25-35) years. To achieve this goal, the researcher adopted the experimental approach in the one-group method. As for the research community, it was represented by physical fitness practices in The Health Center for Physical Fitness (Manual Gym), and the research sample was selected with a number (15), and by the intentional method, the researcher measured physical measurements and physical tests, and after obtaining the results, the researcher adopted the statistical program (SPSS), and the researcher concluded that the training curriculum is appropriate in its style and paragraphs for the research sample. This was achieved through its effect on physical and physical variables, and recommended the introduction of the idea of aerobic exercise among women for its positive impact on health and physical fitness.



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How to Cite
Sundus Burhan Adham. (2024). The effect of aerobic exercise and fitness equipment on certain body measurements and physical fitness elements related to health among women (25-35) years. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(2), 14–21. Retrieved from