Design of two protocols for the rehabilitation of the collateral ligament injury of the knee joint for football players

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Ismail Salem Abdel Ithawy Tamara Jawad Hussain Ali


Through the fact that the researchers are football practitioners, a large number of injuries were observed in the field of football, especially in the knee joint, and previous studies dealt with most of these injuries in terms of causes, treatment and rehabilitation, but the researchers found that the injury of the collateral ligament stretch was not focused, so the researchers decided to address this topic by studying this injury and preparing rehabilitation exercises using some aids in functional efficiency in the knee joint, and the goal of the study It is the design of two protocols for the rehabilitation of collateral ligament stretch injuries of the knee joint for football players. The researchers used the experimental approach with one experimental group with a pre- and post-test, which is one of the most appropriate approaches to achieve the objectives of the research, as for the research sample, the research sample consisted of advanced players in football for the sports season (2021-2022) and those who suffer from collateral ligament stretching of the knee joint, and the number reached (10) players, and the researchers designed two protocols for the rehabilitation of the extended collateral ligament injury to the knee joint, as well as the preparation of 130 exercises that can be used in the implementation of rehabilitation protocols, and after applying the two protocols, he concluded The researchers indicated that the protocols designed by the researcher can be used to rehabilitate people with stretching of the collateral ligaments of the knee joint of football players, whether simple or moderate, and the exercises used to rehabilitate the research sample of people with collateral ligament stretching of the knee joint of football players led to harmony and harmony between nervous work and working muscles, and regulating the work of transmitted nerve signals and increasing their speed, which led to an improvement in the motor balance of the members of the research sample, as well as replay exercises Qualification used in this study. She worked on developing the working muscles on the knee joint, resulting in the possibility of controlling movements, as the researchers concluded that above-average stress could be used in some training modules to be at the end of the rehabilitation curriculum to ensure that the injury did not worsen.



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How to Cite
Tamara Jawad Hussain Ali, I. S. A. I. (2024). Design of two protocols for the rehabilitation of the collateral ligament injury of the knee joint for football players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(2), 73–88. Retrieved from