The effect of qualitative exercises accompanied by charging psychological energy in the development of some physical abilities and psychological endurance of advanced handball players Researcher

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Haider Abdel Wahed Globe


The importance of the research lies in the preparation of specific exercises accompanied by changing the psychological energy and knowing its impact on the physical side and psychological endurance, as the researcher believes that these exercises contribute to an increase in the number of these players, and therefore they will exert a lot of effort and strong will during training and competition. Through the experience of the researcher being a former player and a coach currently at the moment of the phenomenon of early fatigue and a decrease in the level of ability to perform physically and psychologically, which is one of the reasons for the decline in the level of technical performance among the players, where the researcher believes that the reasons for this decline is the negligence or failure to restore the necessary importance of the coaches for the psychological preparation of the playersThe research aims to identify: the impact of specific exercises and the accompanying charge of psychological energy on some physical abilities and psychological endurance of handball players for applicants. The researcher assumes that there are statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-tests with the effect of specific exercises accompanied by changing psychological energy on some physical abilities and psychological endurance of advanced handball players.The researcher used the experimental approach, and followed the design of the individual group with two pre- and post-tests, i.e. measuring one group before and after the experiment. If the research sample was chosen by the intentional method represented by the players of the Kufa Sports Club.



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How to Cite
Haider Abdel Wahed Globe. (2024). The effect of qualitative exercises accompanied by charging psychological energy in the development of some physical abilities and psychological endurance of advanced handball players Researcher. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(2), 194–202. Retrieved from