The relationship of some personality traits to shyness among the students of the Faculty of Education / Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Hamdaniya University

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Omar Ibrahem Saleh Al Suwaidi, Asst Ahmed Enad Garjess Al-Soofi


AbstractThe study aims to:- Identify some personality traits and their relationship to shyness among students of Hamdaniya University / Faculty of Education / Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The theoretical framework contained the concept of personality and mathematical personality, the concept of shyness and its components, causes and symptoms, and a number of similar researches. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method to suit the nature of the research personnel, the research community represented the students of Hamdaniya University / Faculty of Education / Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for the academic year 2021-2022 and the number of (72) students. The research sample was selected as female students, where they accounted for (100%) of all of them. As for the means of collecting information, they consisted of (references and scientific research, the World Information Network (Internet), questionnaires, and interviews. The statistical methods used to reach the results are the statistical portfolio SPSS and percentage, the mean and standard deviation, and the simple correlation coefficient (Pearson). As for the fourth section, it contained the presentation, analysis and discussion of the results, while the fifth section contained conclusions and recommendations, and the most important conclusions were:1 – The students were characterized by the boundaries of the low middle in most personality traits.2 – Students enjoy a high degree of shyness.3 – The existence of an inverse correlation between the measure of shyness and personality traits.The researchers recommended several recommendations, including: 1 – The need to pay attention to personal aspects by developing personal traits when teaching students in the lesson of teaching methods.2 – The interest of teachers in strengthening the personality of students in order to reduce their relative shyness.3 – Conduct similar studies on other school levels.3– Conduct similar studies on other psychological variables.



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How to Cite
Ahmed Enad Garjess Al-Soofi, . O. I. S. A. S. A. (2024). The relationship of some personality traits to shyness among the students of the Faculty of Education / Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Hamdaniya University. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(2), 212–221. Retrieved from