Classification in physical education

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Prof. Dr. Hardan Aziz Salman


Classification in physical educationIt is not surprising to say that the phenomenon of individual differences between people is one of the most influential phenomena in our practical life. Since dealing with people and passing judgments on individuals, as well as learning, guidance, behavior, treatment, behavior, ... to other human activities, are subject in the general view to individual differences.The difference of people among themselves in many abilities (mental, motor, and physical) in personal traits, tendencies and psychological tendencies, as well as physical measures provides the opportunity to explain these differences, and then measure and classify them on the basis of homogeneous or similar groups, and this also allows us to subject this phenomenon (differences to Individual) for study and research.. Thus, it is considered one of the sciences with foundations, theories and principles that many scientific institutes have been interested in, and many scholars and experts specialize in it.



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How to Cite
Prof. Dr. Hardan Aziz Salman. (2024). Classification in physical education. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(2), 218–226.