The effect of using strength exercises to prevent some shoulder joint injuries for national rugby team players

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Bayda Razzaq Jawad
Shaima Habib Ali
Akram Akbar's visions


The research study aimed to prepare strength exercises to prevent shoulder injuries that frequently accompany rugby players as a result of direct contact with the opposing player, the fact that rugby is a new game in the country, and the fact that some of the rugby players are outside the field of physical education and sports sciences, and due to the lack of knowledge of the basic foundations for protection. The player himself from the injury and avoiding it, the researchers decided to delve into this field, especially since the extent of the female researchers in the rugby union and their closeness to the players and they have knowledge and knowledge of this game and a member of it and strive to reduce this injury by strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder blades of the players.

In order to increase the efficiency of the muscles working on this joint and to identify the effect of the established curriculum, statistical differences emerged between the pre- and post-tests of the research sample. The researchers used the training curriculum with two pre- and post-tests of one group, and the injury was evaluated on the players of the men’s national team for the season (2022-2023). At approximately the ages of (22-26) years, the number of players was (20), and (10) of them were chosen for their commitment to the research procedures and obtaining the approval of the coach to conduct tests. The results of the research showed that the level of performance of the players improved, and it was noted that the range of motion of the scapula developed and the motor and functional performance of the scapula improved.


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How to Cite
Bayda Razzaq Jawad, Shaima Habib Ali, & Akram Akbar’s visions. (2024). The effect of using strength exercises to prevent some shoulder joint injuries for national rugby team players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 6(2), 81–96.