A study of physical education and its impact on the inclinations and desires of middle-income female students in Baqubah District

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Walid Atallah Issa
Ghazwan Faisal Ghazi
Doha Saad Aziz



The scientific and practical methods and methods in the sports aspect through practitioners are witnessed in the world today and in various fields of life, especially in the sports field, which appears through skill levels and high digital achievements in various sports. This did not happen by chance, but rather came as a result of the development of various sciences, so the horizons of scientific research are no longer there. The hadith is limited to the findings of genetics and genetic engineering, but rather it is found in inclinations and desires. The school is an educational institution that provides its services to our students through various lessons and programs, including the physical education lesson, which contains programs presented to students in order to practice their sports activities. This activity has been given great attention in order to achieve the purpose and goal that was set by it.

The school is an educational institution that provides its services to our students through various lessons and programs, including the physical education lesson, which contains programs presented to students in order to practice their sports activities. This activity has given great attention in order to achieve the purpose and goal for which it was set The research problem in this study lies in the extent of the impact of the physical education lesson on the female students, as the teachers noticed that the female students who are most enthusiastic about practicing sports activity are more inclined towards the lesson and engaging in various activities. The researchers also noticed that there are many schools that do not create the appropriate atmosphere for them, so the problem of research appears to find out. The positive and negative aspects of the physical education lesson, which helps us to uncover the strengths and weaknesses in the teaching method in a way that serves the inclinations and desires of the students and develop appropriate solutions and treatments.

The aim of the research is to identify the inclinations and desires of female students towards practicing the activity before the lesson and the extent of the impact of the physical education lesson on this inclination and to identify the effect of the physical education lesson on the inclinations and desires of practitioners and non-practitioners of sports activity.

As for the research hypotheses, the physical education lesson had a positive impact on the inclinations and desires of female students to engage in sporting activity, and that female students who practiced sporting activity were more inclined than female students who did not practice sporting activity. The researchers used the descriptive approach to suit it to the nature of the problem. As for the research population, it was average-income students for girls, numbering (530). ) A female student who was the research sample

 (465 female students), representing 87% of the research population. The researchers used the statistical package to extract the results. The researchers concluded that the physical education lesson has a clear positive impact on changing the inclinations and desires of the female students to engage in sporting activity. The researchers recommend paying attention to the physical education lesson because of its positive role in The inclinations and desires of female students and their interest in studying physical education in schools


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How to Cite
Walid Atallah Issa, Ghazwan Faisal Ghazi, & Doha Saad Aziz. (2024). A study of physical education and its impact on the inclinations and desires of middle-income female students in Baqubah District. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(5), 117–123. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.Conf2024.05.1477