Using artificial intelligence to evaluate some basic skills of handball goalkeepers

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Hardan Aziz Salman
Yaqoub Youssef Abdel Zahra
Shatha Fouad Al-Maidani


In it, the researchers touched on the importance of using modern measurement methods in accordance with some indicators in artificial intelligence measurement and their effectiveness in measuring the basic skills of handball goalkeepers, which in turn reflects positively on the development of these skills in the game of handball, and during the researchers’ observation that they are experts in measurement, evaluation, and the game of soccer. Through field monitoring of junior championships, they noticed that the measuring tools are still somewhat old, and even if they are modern, they do not keep pace with the development taking place in the field of measurement and evaluation. The researchers prepared it as a research problem, so the researchers sought to use an artificial intelligence program to evaluate the skill performance of handball goalkeepers. Among the objectives of the study (using an artificial intelligence program to measure the skill performance of some basic skills of handball goalkeepers), the research sample consisted of goalkeepers aged (12-14) in specialized handball schools. The duration of the experiment was from (6/12/2023) until (1/4/2024) The conclusion included conclusions, including (the artificial intelligence program demonstrated the ability to give approximate results for ideal performance with different percentages for each skill for members of the research sample) and recommendations, including (adopting the percentages for this study to evaluate young goalkeepers in Iraq at the ages of (12-14) years)


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How to Cite
Hardan Aziz Salman, Yaqoub Youssef Abdel Zahra, & Shatha Fouad Al-Maidani. (2024). Using artificial intelligence to evaluate some basic skills of handball goalkeepers. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(5), 471–480.