Effect aqua means in educational development skill mailing tennis ground for beginners (6-10) years

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Mona Abdel Sattar Hashem, Ali Abdul Salam Wahib


Aim of Research: 1-prepare aqua means educational development skill mailing tennis game ground for players schools care talent with ages (10)-12 years. 2-identify effect exercise by educational means to develop skill mailing tennis game ground for players schools care talent with ages (10)-12 years. That nature of the problem and goals search two determine who methodology search Appropriate so chose researcher curriculum demo in line with the nature of the problem concerning search. and represent society search players national centre for care talent sports tennis ground s ministry of youth and sports for year (2017-2016) were selected players centre tennis ground to make search them by road Baptized because availability requirements search all of playground and kits and players, reached number (12) player aged (10)-12 years, was divided group formed to experimental (7) players, chosen (3) players to experience reconnaissance, were excluded for two players who if available including conditions appropriate line started learning have (who own advanced skills).And concluded researcher: 1-that to exercise innovative by means of educational has developed level performance press for skill transmitter. 2-that means educational has affected by a positive image on learning skills upgrading performance press for skill transmitter for Jerusalem tennis game ground aged (10)-12 years. were recommendations: 1-use means educational modern education beginners in tennis game ground. 2-innovation and diversify exercises used in educational units for its importance improve and develop skills have players beginners. 3-interest in small ages for its importance in future composition kernel national teams for posterity.



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Mona Abdel Sattar Hashem, Ali Abdul Salam Wahib. (2024). Effect aqua means in educational development skill mailing tennis ground for beginners (6-10) years. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(3), 58–70. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.2019.01.03.4