The effect of pregnancy (physical - skill) on muscle capacity and its relationship to the performance of some defensive skills of young handball players

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Alaa Ibrahim Jassim Al Ghurairy
Omar Ali Hussein


The game of handball has received special attention from experts and specialists working in its field, as international levels require defining the form of the training planning process, methods and programs, whether for local teams or at the level of national teams. Strength training means and methods vary according to the type of training system and the level of players' abilities. And because muscular ability is one of the basic requirements for performance in the game of handball, which is due to it performing the skills of the game effectively to achieve the goals of those skills, attention must be paid to developing muscular ability and to be a priority for trainers in public and private preparation periods. Through the follow-up of the two researchers, he noticed that there is a clear weakness in the performance of some defensive skills, especially the defensive moves in the handball game with the required force and speed, such as attacking the opponent in the competitive and effective moment, and rapid movement in bridging the defensive gaps. This weakness of the Iraqi player in muscular ability is an obstacle to the effective performance of defensiveness skills, which has a prominent role in winning matches or tournaments, and from here the research problem crystallized. The study aimed to identify the effect of (skillful - physical) exercises on the muscular ability of young handball players, and to identify the relationship between the muscular ability of the two men and the defensive moves of young handball players. The researchers assumed that there were significant differences in the results of the tests (before - after) for the experimental group in the muscular ability of the two men, and there was a correlation between the muscular ability and the performance of defensive moves for young handball players. The research and its problems. As for the research sample, it was represented by (10) players of the Diyala Youth Handball Club players aged (16-18) for the sports season 2019-2020. Short-range defensive moves forward-backward-side and agility defensive moves (30) seconds.


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How to Cite
Alaa Ibrahim Jassim Al Ghurairy, & Omar Ali Hussein. (2024). The effect of pregnancy (physical - skill) on muscle capacity and its relationship to the performance of some defensive skills of young handball players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(4), 46–53.