Determine the contribution ratio of some power and speed indicators accord-ing to the Biosyn System with the accuracy of the spiking skill of young volleyball players

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Abdullah Hameed Saleh Al-thubaini


The research included four sections, the first section contained the introduc-tion of the research and its importance and touched on the game of volleyball of distinctive games, fast and difficult technical performance and the skill of crushing beating, which depends on a high level of strength and speed. This made the interest in understanding the stages of performance of the skill of crushing multiplication and finding a predictive value to be of great im-portance because this stage affects the accuracy of crushing multiplication, either the problem of research is to identify the variables of speed that ac-company the implementation of the skill of crushing multiplication and to predict the level of development based on the percentage of contribution of variables (the special strength of the knee and shoulder joint angular speed of the elbows). The research aimed to find predictive equations for the level of development in terms of the regression of the values of variables and the re-search sample represents the players of the industry club volleyball and used ( Biosyn System) (not extracting the results and the researcher concluded var-iable arrows (special force right knee), with the highest contribution of the ac-curacy of crushing multiplication from the upper and lower left


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How to Cite
Abdullah Hameed Saleh Al-thubaini. (2024). Determine the contribution ratio of some power and speed indicators accord-ing to the Biosyn System with the accuracy of the spiking skill of young volleyball players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(1), 147–155. Retrieved from