Cooperative education and its impact on the acquisition of some basketball skills for students of the fifth literary school of Ray of Knowledge 2021-2022

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Mohamed Abdel Salam, Qusay Galout Ahmed


The study aimed to identify the effect of the use of cooperative education on learning some skills in basketball for students of the fifth literary school, Ray of Knowledge, and to achieve this, the study was conducted on a sample of 20 students of fifth grade literary students in the school of knowledge ray, di-vided into two equal and equal groups. The experimental group consisted of 10 students, where a proposed educational program was applied to them using the cooperative learning method, and the control group consisted of 10 stu-dents who learned in the traditional way, and the duration of the program was 10 weeks. The conditions of the tribal tests and the researcher used the SPSS statistical bag to extract the results.The researcher concluded through his study that the cooperative method is suitable for learning some basic skills of basketball for the fifth grade students and recommends focusing on the use of modern educational methods in the process of learning other skills and games because of the clear impact of the cooperative method. And active in the process of learning basic basketball skills.


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How to Cite
Mohamed Abdel Salam, Qusay Galout Ahmed. (2024). Cooperative education and its impact on the acquisition of some basketball skills for students of the fifth literary school of Ray of Knowledge 2021-2022. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(1), 183–194. Retrieved from