Obstacles to practicing volleyball among students of the College of Physi-cal Education at the University of Anbar

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Mohamed Abdel Salam, Wael Farhan Awwad


The study aimed to identify the obstacles to practicing volleyball among students of the College of Physical Education at Anbar University - Anbar Governorate in Iraq. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method to achieve the ob-jectives of the study.The study community consists of all the faculty members of the College of Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Anbar which is (31) uni-versity professors.The study sample included all members of the original study community, i.e. (100%).The researcher used the questionnaire as a tool for collecting the necessary data to answer the study questions related to the three obstacles:A. Administrative and technical obstaclesB. Obstacles resulting from the necessary equipment for the preparation of volleyball activities.C. social obstacles.The researcher used the statistical package program (SPSS) To produce, display and analyze results. The study reached the following conclusions.The practice of volleyball among students of the College of Physical Educa-tion at the University of Anbar - Anbar Governorate (Iraq) faces obstacles in the administrative and technical field, obstacles in the field of equipment necessary to prepare volleyball activities, obstacles in the local community with parents to a large extent.There are statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05) between the average estimates of the professors of the College of Physical Education at the University of Anbar for the obstacles of students practicing of volleyball due to the educational “qualification” variable, which is in favor of the professors who hold a doctorate degree.There are statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05) between the average estimates of the professors of the College of Physical Education at the University of Anbar for the obstacles of students practicing of volleyball due to the variable “years of experience”, which is in favor of professors with more than 10 years of experience.


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Mohamed Abdel Salam, Wael Farhan Awwad. (2024). Obstacles to practicing volleyball among students of the College of Physi-cal Education at the University of Anbar. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(1), 213–223. Retrieved from https://mjss.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjss/article/view/278