The effect of suggested motor games on the academic achievement of first-grade students

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amar khaleel abd al majeed


Kinetic games in schools are considered an educational system that depends mainly on basic motor capabilities and the common patterns of these movements, which are considered one of the contributions of physical education in basic education. Through the researcher's briefing on the curriculum of the Ministry of Education prepared specifically for the primary stage, and being a teacher of physical education, he found that this curriculum lacks movement games that are directly related to academic achievement, which has the greatest impact on academic achievement, which in turn affects the development of children's perceptions in addition to the excitement factor. And suspense through the lesson of physical education. Therefore, the researcher saw the need to design motor games that help improve performance in the academic achievement of first-grade students.


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How to Cite
amar khaleel abd al majeed. (2024). The effect of suggested motor games on the academic achievement of first-grade students. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(3), 127–137.