The effect of mental modeling according to the (4mat) strategy in the two styles of homogeneous and heterogeneous small groups in learning some basic skills in volleyball

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Nahed Abboud Daham
Basem Kazem Khalaf



The Effect of the (4mat) Strategy in the two Methods of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Small Groups on Learning some Basic Skills in Volleyball Formatting the effect of mental modelling according to the (4MAT) strategy some basic volleyball skills based on mental representation? The experimental method was used for its suitability to the nature of the problem , and the research sample consisted of (54)students from the fourth preparatory students at Taj AL-Din High School for Boys, representing three sections and (18) students for each seetion. Appropriate statistical method were used to extract the results. Where the results indicated that the (4MAT) strategy within the two methods of homogeneous and heterogeneous small groups has a clear and positive effectiveness in increasing the students ability to learn some basic skills in volleyball, and the reason is that this strategy and the methods used by teachers helped to organize the teaching process, so that it is based on difference a mong Learners in their Learning styles


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How to Cite
Nahed Abboud Daham, & Basem Kazem Khalaf. (2024). The effect of mental modeling according to the (4mat) strategy in the two styles of homogeneous and heterogeneous small groups in learning some basic skills in volleyball. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(4), 226–237.