Evaluation of the accuracy of the performance of the long serve and the short service in badminton for the Al-Mustansiriyah University team

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Ghada Mahmood Jasem


The research aims to assess the ability of the performance of the long serve and the short serve in badminton for the badminton team players of Al-Mustansiriyah University, where the researcher used the descriptive method for its suitability to the study concerned with the research. The research sample included (12) players representing the total community (100%) and (4) players were excluded, as the research samples became (8) players only, and they represent (66%) of the research community, two of the standardized tests were used for skill (The accuracy of the long transmission, the accuracy of the short transmission) After conducting the tests and processing the data statistically, conclusions were reached that show the statistical results to the superiority of the performance of the accuracy of the long transmission in the research sample despite the convergence of performance. Through these conclusions, the researcher recommends working on evaluation research on female players and on the rest of the basic skills in badminton standardized


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How to Cite
Ghada Mahmood Jasem. (2024). Evaluation of the accuracy of the performance of the long serve and the short service in badminton for the Al-Mustansiriyah University team. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(4), 134–138. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.2022.04.04.18