The effect of skill exercises without the goalkeeper on developing self-confidence and the skill of shooting handball for juniors

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Jinan Nowruz Muhammad


The handball game is one of the world-famous mass team games, characterised by its strong and fast skill and scoring goals, which necessitates specialists and academics to take care of the physical, skill and psychological requirements of this game, as the development in this game can only be achieved through improving, developing and raising the level of achievement that It can only come by continuing the process of physical, skill and planning sports training accompanied by good psychological preparation. The aim of the research is to prepare skill exercises for voting without a goalkeeper, and to identify the effect of exercises in developing self-confidence and shooting skill. And the controller in the development of self-confidence and the skill of shooting handball for juniors.


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How to Cite
Jinan Nowruz Muhammad. (2024). The effect of skill exercises without the goalkeeper on developing self-confidence and the skill of shooting handball for juniors. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(4), 109–117.