Self-confidence and its relationship to the skill of overwhelming hitting in volleyball

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Sherine Laiby Manati


Volleyball is one of the ball games in particular and team games in general that are included in the general framework and sports activities within the sports culture system for most of the mathematically civilized countries of the world. Which led to the importance of motivation in the performance of sports skills. The elements of physical fitness are the main part of the success of any team. They provide the player with the physical elements that contribute to the consolidation and mastery of the skill and its optimal performance. Volleyball is one of the games that is characterized by its reliance on the characteristic of muscle strength. It has skills that need this type of physical performance. We find that offensive skills in volleyball, including the skill of crushing hitting, prompted the researcher to choose the research problem that the educational process in order to contribute to solving problems that stand in the way of achieving what teachers and learners alike seek to excel and achieve. Outstanding results of performance in sports and volleyball, as the construction and psychological preparation is correct and important Especially with regard to the development of self-confidence, one of the factors that give outstanding results during skill education, because the learner's self-confidence makes him achieve difficult goals, but rather makes him challenge all the difficulties and obstacles he faces during the skillful performance, especially in the game of volleyball in the match of the crushing beating., The research aims to identify On self-confidence and its relationship to the skill of crushing in volleyball for the research sample. Then the researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the problem and the objectives of the research. The researcher identified the research community in a deliberate way from among the volleyball players in the team of the Directorate of Education Rusafa third, who numbered (14) Player. After the results have been unloaded and the results processed, the self-confidence scale and the crush test recommends the researcher - that teachers and teachers should qualify the psychological preparation of learners, especially self-confidence because of its great importance because of its great impact in achieving the results and the need for teachers and researchers to pay attention and adopt the self-confidence scale as a measure to detect This is an important feature.


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How to Cite
Sherine Laiby Manati. (2024). Self-confidence and its relationship to the skill of overwhelming hitting in volleyball. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(3), 116–122.