Special exercises according to biomechanical variables in developing the skill and accuracy of handball shooting for young players

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Marwa Khaled Jihad


Biomechanics is one of the important sciences that played an important role in the development of the game of handball, and biomechanics has a relationship with physical education theories and methods. Full knowledge of the skills to be learned or trained from a scientific point of view. The problem of the research is that there is a clear weakness in the skill of shooting, due to the lack of comprehensiveness of training this skill, so most of the exercises are done through the formulation of training programs concerned with the physical and physiological aspects, while not confirming the mechanical aspects as a key to raise the level of development of these aspects through the development of exercises that depend on the details Performance, especially through kinetic analysis, which gives the possibility of detecting technical errors related to the mechanics of movement, which we can get to know their impact and thus attribute these errors to the lack of skills of some players, so the researcher decided to delve into this problem. The researcher aims to prepare special exercises according to the biomechanical variable to develop the skill and accuracy of handball shooting for players, youth forums for the youth category. The researcher hypothesizes that there are statistically significant differences between the tribal and remote tests of the skill and accuracy of handball shooting for the youth forum players for and in favor of the post tests. As for the research sample, it consisted of the 15 players of the Jalawla Youth Forum in Diyala Governorate, who participated in the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Diyala Governorate for the year 2020-2021, who were deliberately chosen.


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How to Cite
Marwa Khaled Jihad. (2024). Special exercises according to biomechanical variables in developing the skill and accuracy of handball shooting for young players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(3), 162–170. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.2022.04.03.15