The effect of special exercises and an auxiliary device on the motor pathway of weight, muscular strength and achievement for young weightlifters

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Falih hashim fenjan


The study aimed to investigate the muscular equivalence and the resulting differences from the point of view of training science, biomechanics and electrical activity of muscles from the right and left side of young weightlifters. As for the research problem, the results were reduced to weakness due to the lack of muscular equivalence on both sides of the body and its impact on muscular strength and achievement. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature of the research problem. The research sample included players from Al-Amanah Club with a strength of (3) players who had a difference in muscular strength on both sides of the body, so the exercises were designed individually for each quadrant. In terms of dividing the training intensity of the exercises used and the modified device for the purpose of developing muscular strength, equivalence, achievement and electrical activity of the muscles, the curriculum lasted eight weeks, with three training units during the week, at a rate of (24) units.Conclusions:1.Exercising using the assistive device increased muscle strength and achievement.2.The special exercises used on the device increased the muscular equivalence of the shoulder muscles.3.The exercises used reduced the large differences in the electrical activity of the shoulder muscles represented by the crest and area of the wave.


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How to Cite
Falih hashim fenjan. (2024). The effect of special exercises and an auxiliary device on the motor pathway of weight, muscular strength and achievement for young weightlifters. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(3), 245–251.