Comparative BioKinematic Analysis between the Curved and Tucked Back Flips on the Floor Mat in Gymnastics

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sabah matty aerm
ziyad tarig hamed


After the researchers observed weakness in the level of technical performance of the players in Erbil gymnastics team, especially in the curved and tucked back flips on the floor mat, and after the inquiry with the coach, they found that the players' performance was good in rest of the movements on other devices. The goals of the study are Some of the biomechanical variables of the curved and tucked back flip on the floor mat in gymnastics , Differences in some biomechanical variables of the curved and tucked back flips on the floor mat in gymnastics The researchers decided to study this problem by investigating a number of biomechanical variables through a comparative study between these two moves to get acquainted with the technical bases of these two movements from the point of view of the values of biomechanical variables and statistical results and to identify which of these moves requires more speed and effort in order for researchers to come up with conclusions and recommendations that serve this sport event.


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How to Cite
ABI RAMIZ ALBAKRI, sabah matty aerm, & ziyad tarig hamed. (2024). Comparative BioKinematic Analysis between the Curved and Tucked Back Flips on the Floor Mat in Gymnastics. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(4), 9–17.
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