Use special exercises to balance learning and training in improving some of the motor skills and physical abilities of basketball students

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aimar Fakher
Haitham Khazaal
Omar Abdel Ghafour


The aim of this study was to identify the preparation of special exercises for the balance between learning and training, and to know its effect in improving some of the physical skills and physical abilities in basketball. The sample was chosen by the intentional method of (20) students from physical education and sports sciences / Mustansiriya University. The researchers used the experimental approach (for the two equal groups). Special exercises were used in teaching skills of basketball mobility. The problem of research was concentrated in the imbalance between the skills of the motor and the physical abilities and the lack of overlap between them. The researchers concluded that there was a positive and high effect in terms of using special exercises for the experimental group and that the balance in terms of skills education and training for some motor skills and physical abilities. Apply balance exercises between learning and training on all basketball skills and on various sports, and diversifying into exercises to improve the level of basketball skill performance


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How to Cite
aimar Fakher, Haitham Khazaal, & Omar Abdel Ghafour. (2024). Use special exercises to balance learning and training in improving some of the motor skills and physical abilities of basketball students. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(4), 9–18.