Studying the social concerns of the referess of the degree and excellent football in the lraq

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Alaa Abdul Qadir


Fear plays an important role in stabilizing the socialand and situalion psychological of the Referees of foot ball. If he is able to control the effects to make the right decisions and succeful and thus the outbut of the game fruitfully in dicates his successThe research objectives were1.Ldentity the levele of social cobcerns among the referees in the lraq leagu The second section: The researcher used the descriptive method in the suvey method and correlative studies Conclusions and recommendations: This section inciuld asset of conclusions and recommendations : football referees for m social fears as acondition in order football stadiums . and mass match contribute to the social concerns of the referees .and the necessity of providing security an savety for ruler an their families.


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How to Cite
Alaa Abdul Qadir. (2024). Studying the social concerns of the referess of the degree and excellent football in the lraq. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(4), 40–46.