The effect of interval training to develop special endurance on some physical and functional abilities of Taekwondo players

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Saeed Alwan Hilal


The importance of the research is reflected in the use of the periodic training method (low intensity and high intensity) through which we develop the endurance of Taekwondo for the youth category, and the problem of the research lies in the lack of interest in the general or specific endurance aspect, as it did not take its real role and size in the training process within the curricula. Prepared by the trainers and with their different methods and according to the correct scientific method, so the researcher decided to study this problem and in an effort to develop these abilities for Taekwondo players.


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How to Cite
Saeed Alwan Hilal. (2024). The effect of interval training to develop special endurance on some physical and functional abilities of Taekwondo players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(3), 185–195.