The effect of aerobics exercises on the fat percentage of obese students in secondary school students

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Omar Mizher Malik


The research includes preparing sports exercises in a manner suitable for schools that do not have a large space, tools, or sports equipment, where an aerobic exercise system was prepared and studying its effect on the fat percentage of obese students in the stage in the mixed intermediate school of Latakia in the Abu Ghraib sector and comparing the results of the measured fat percentage Electronically, before starting to perform exercises with the fat percentage after completion during the proposed period, the effect of exercises on the members of the experimental sample was proven by the final results and statistical treatment. Finally, a set of recommendations was proposed by the researcher.


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How to Cite
Omar Mizher Malik. (2024). The effect of aerobics exercises on the fat percentage of obese students in secondary school students. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(2), 19–26.