The use of sports selection among juniors in the sport of athletics in the age group (09-12) years. A study on some athletics clubs in M'Sila - Algeria.

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Bin Hamidush Fayza, Mazari Fatih, Ghallab Hakim


Summary of the intervention:This study aims to know the extent of using sports selection for juniors in athletics category (09-12) years, and the study population included athletics clubs in the Wilaya of M'sila - Algeria, and the study sample consisted of five clubs, each club comprising five coaches or 25 coaches who were selected In the intentional method, we also relied on the descriptive approach and the questionnaire as a tool to collect data, and the results resulted in the morphological and psychological selection of junior athletes not being used by coaches in a scientific way in athletics, with the scientific selection not following the scientific foundations in athletics when Selection of budding athletes



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How to Cite
Bin Hamidush Fayza, Mazari Fatih, Ghallab Hakim. (2024). The use of sports selection among juniors in the sport of athletics in the age group (09-12) years. A study on some athletics clubs in M’Sila - Algeria. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(1), 158–168.