Building and codifying a measure of competitive behavior for basketball players in Iraq

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Jassim Abbas
Khaled Mahmoud Raouf


The study aims: -1 Building the benchmark for the competitive behaviour of Iraqi basketball players. -2 To identify the level of competitive behaviour of Iraqi basketball players. The process of selecting the appropriate approach to research is one of the key and important steps towards successful research, which depends on the type, scale and clarity of the problem and the availability of real data and information about it so that researchers can differentiate them from the other problems studied, and the researchers have used the curriculum Descriptive by surveying, the selection of the research community and its sample are important in any scientific research, since the correct choice of the search sample is one of the important pillars or factors in the success of the work of the researchers as it applies the steps or vocabulary of its search , and the current search community is determined by the players of the football club of Iraq tomorrow Him, and the search sample was randomly selected as the use of this method means that each member of the community has an equal opportunity to choose in the sample, and this research included the sample of statistical analysis and application (310) basketball players from Iraq's clubs.In the light of the research findings reached by the two researchers, the following concluded:-1Most basketball players follow competitive behaviour as the most appropriate behaviour to meet the challenges of the games and achieve achievement. -2 Competitive behaviour is deeply rooted in players who reach higher levels of performance because such behaviour is haunted by players with a high skill, physical and psychological potential.In the light of the findings of the researchers, they recommend the following recommendations:-1 Attention to the development of competitive behaviour among basketball players as players need to develop their abilities by testing the real test in competitions.-2to take care of the players and to carry out the skills, physical and psychological tests from one period to another, as they contribute to the evaluation and development of the players for the better.3- Conduct other studies on other samples, classes and games that examine their competitive behaviour.


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How to Cite
Jassim Abbas, & Khaled Mahmoud Raouf. (2024). Building and codifying a measure of competitive behavior for basketball players in Iraq. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(4), 145–161.