Anxiety and its relationship to the performance of some skills on the parallel device in the artistic gymnastics for women

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Amira Abdel Wahed Mounir
Shaimaa Abde Matar


Researchers have touched on the importance of anxiety and the importance of sports gymnastics art for women and its impact on the level of physical performance of the player and their ability to implement skills on various devices, and is considered a parallel device of difficult devices, so students hesitate to study.1- Recognize the anxiety of the third stage students in the artistic gymnastics for women.2 - Identify the relationship of anxiety performance of some skills on the parallel system of the third stage students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Baghdad / Jadiriya.The researchers hypothesized:1- There is a significant correlation between anxiety and performance of some skills on the parallel system of the third stage students in the artistic gymnastics for women.The research dealt with research methodology, field procedures, tools and methods used in research, scientific basis for testing, exploratory and major experiment and statistical methods.The researchers then reached the following conclusions:The anxiety factor has affected the motor performance of the students, especially when the motor performance was linked to the parallel device and the skill of the rise, as this skill is characterized by its difficulty, as well as this device is a difficult device that needs attention, concentration, speed, accuracy and neuromuscular compatibility when performing the rise skills. While there was no correlation between anxiety and the skill of landing because that skill is characterized by the ease of performance.The recommendations are:- The need to identify the causes of concern among students in order to develop appropriate solutions in order to alleviate this factor and guide it for the better- The need to create a natural atmosphere among students during the performance in order to accustom them to difficult situations that may occur during them and restraint and adherence to the laws of play.- The need to instill confidence between the school and the student in order to identify the problems experienced by the student and thus develop solutions to address them, especially in the skills of difficult gymnastics


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How to Cite
Amira Abdel Wahed Mounir, & Shaimaa Abde Matar. (2024). Anxiety and its relationship to the performance of some skills on the parallel device in the artistic gymnastics for women. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 3(1), 248–256.