kinamatic Analysis of Free Falling Balls from Various Angles with Various Sizes and Constant Conditions

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alaa aldeen faesal
layth Mohammed shawkat
Abi Ramiz Abdulghani


The well known Newton's third law states that when two bodies interact, they apply forces to one another that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. The third law is also known as the law of action and reaction. This law is important in analyzing problems of static equilibrium, where all forces are balanced, but it also applies to bodies in uniform or accelerated motion.. For example, a if we applied a force of (500N) by our hand on a wall , the wall applies an equal and opposite force to the hand also equal to (500N). This led the researcher to question if this law can be applied on various types of balls left to fall freely fall to the ground and how much distance will the balls rebound. The rebound of the balls depends on Young's modulus of ball and ground material which is equal to ( stress/strain). Thus the question as follows : Will the balls rebound to the exact location from which they were dropped ? The problem of the study was to determine how much of the dynamic force of the balls will be lost at collision and how much distance will they rebound . The study aimed at expounding the following :oThe height of rebound of three types of balls ( basketball , handball and soccer ball) when left to fall freely from a height of 1m oThe height of rebound of three types of balls ( basketball , handball and soccer ball) when left to fall freely from a height of 1.5m oThe height of rebound of three types of balls ( basketball , handball and soccer ball) when left to fall freely from a height of 2m .oThe rebound angle of three types of balls ( basketball , handball and soccer ball) when left to roll freely.The researcher adopted the descriptive method appropriate to the nature of the study. The balls used were standard balls used in basketball , handball and soccer and were inflated according to the regulated standards of each game. The data were collected through scientific observation , technical observation and computer analysis . From the results and discussion, the researcher concluded the following : oAll balls lost a vertical distance in rebound when compared to the releasing point . oAll balls lost a speed in rebound when compared to the speed before impact . oThe force applied is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction but not equal in height when the objects are balls . The researcher recommended the following :oThe result can be used by trainers in this field .oImplementing similar studies on other types of balls in sports or otherwise .oInvestigating the differences between the variables of each ball rolling or free falling 


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How to Cite
alaa aldeen faesal, layth Mohammed shawkat, & Abi Ramiz Abdulghani. (2024). kinamatic Analysis of Free Falling Balls from Various Angles with Various Sizes and Constant Conditions. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(2), 116–123.