Psychological hardness and its relationship to the achievement of people with disabilities to lift weights for the youth group

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Muhannad Abdul Kitan, Haider Ali Salman Abdul


The psychological problems that an athlete is exposed to during training and competition are very many, which can negatively affect his behavior. Psychological hardness is the basic element in the process of sports achievement. Therefore, workers in the fields of physical education and sports sciences must benefit from all the influences that affect human behavior. And the degree of its severity so that we can find appropriate solutions to it, and the mental hardness variable is one of the psychological variables that contribute to the individual's ability to confront the most positive pressures, solve them and prevent future difficulties, as it is a general characteristic of the personality that works on forming and developing the environmental experiences surrounding the individual since childhood. The sports field is considered a fertile source for the growth of the dimensions of mental toughness through the performance of many tasks and duties that require the training requirements to be carried out and which need a great deal of control over things. It is worth noting that the dimensions of psychological hardness we find in a state of continuous growth with age, and the entry of individuals into Continuously rich and varied life experiences help the growth of these dimensions, as the weightlifting game for people with disabilities is a game It has a special character that needs a high concentration because of its danger during the lifting process, as well as the performance requires a strong focus and high psychological toughness for the stability of performance and achievement of it. Hence the importance of research in investigation and identification of the effect of psychological toughness on weightlifting lifters and its effect on achievement. The research problem, therefore, the researcher decided to study the psychological rigidity of the young weightlifting quartet and to show the extent of his influence. Identify the level of psychological hardness and its relationship to achievement. The researcher used the descriptive approach in a survey style, and the sample was two quarter-fourths for the national team, with 8 quadrants. The survey experiment was conducted on 4 quadrants, and the main experiment was conducted on 8 quadrants. As for the fourth chapter, the



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How to Cite
Muhannad Abdul Kitan, Haider Ali Salman Abdul. (2024). Psychological hardness and its relationship to the achievement of people with disabilities to lift weights for the youth group. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(1), 255–264.