The effect of using the mental visualization strategy in the game of volleyball on some physiological and skill variables among physical education students - Palestine Technical University Kadoorie

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Mahmoud Azab


The aim of the study is to know the effect of using mental visualization in volleyball on some physiological and skill variables, the researcher assumed that there are statistically significant differences in the effect of using mental visualization in volleyball on physiological and skill variables. / 2021 until 9/1/2022 a sample of 20 students majoring in physical education at Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie. After the appropriate statistical analysis of the study data, the researcher concluded that there are statistically significant differences in each of the measurement of weight, fat percentage and some skills, and on this, and on this, the researcher concluded with a set of the most important ones:1- Engineering drawing in volleyball training programs based on scientific foundations to bring about a positive change in both weight and fat percentage.2- The case of using mental escalation in volleyball training programs based on scientific foundations to make a positive change in both skills and passing from top and bottom



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How to Cite
Mahmoud Azab. (2024). The effect of using the mental visualization strategy in the game of volleyball on some physiological and skill variables among physical education students - Palestine Technical University Kadoorie. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 46–58.