The role of a study of physical and sports education in developing some social aspects of students (a field study on intermediate students in Aziz Abboud, Ain Karsha, the state of Umm Al -Bouaei)

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Othmani Murad Hossam Aqoun


Physical and sports education is receiving great attention from scientists and researchers because of the goals and objectives it helps to prepare the individual in comprehensive and proper preparation and is considered a way to achieve the purposes of society. Part of public education and a field, please aim to the normal citizen in terms of physical, mental, emotional and social, and it has become a recipe for solving many problems, and to pass the obstacles that the individual is exposed to in many fields.Parallel to that we find the process of raising the teenager and developing the elements of his social interaction that include cooperation, sharing of love and familiarity, attention to the opinions of others, the desire for others and the individual feeling reassurance within the group is considered one of the operations that contribute physical and sports education in its development, achieving these needs and is considered a strong element in preparing the good individual and providing him with experiences And wide skills that enable him to adapt to his community, and make him able to form his life and help him keep up with his life by developing and growing him in the belief in the values and educational processes that exist in society starting from the family to cross from the school of other bodies.



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How to Cite
Hossam Aqoun, O. M. (2024). The role of a study of physical and sports education in developing some social aspects of students (a field study on intermediate students in Aziz Abboud, Ain Karsha, the state of Umm Al -Bouaei). Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 64–72.