Finding a predictive value not achieving the weight of pushing in terms of some physical abilities of youth athletes in athletics

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Wafaa Hadi Nehme


The research included four chapters, the first chapter contained the introduction of the research and its importance, as the effectiveness of pushing the weight is one of the most difficult events in the arena and the field in terms of performance and training, as it depends on many physical and motor abilities to achieve ideal performance. Therefore, gravity push training requires continuous research on these variables and studying them at the theoretical and practical level, with the aim of identifying weaknesses in performance and achieving the correct performance at a high technical level commensurate with the nature of the movement, as it depends on many physical and motor capabilities to achieve ideal performance. Therefore, training requires pushing the weight continuous search for these variables and studying them either the research problem Vtmltt detection of these variables and study them theoretically and practically to diagnose weakness in performance and thus predict achievement and the possibility of applying scientific standards at the level of Therefore, identifying the percentage of contribution is one of the most important factors of achievement and the goal of the research to find a predictive value to accomplish the payment of gravity in terms of regression of the values of the variables and represent the research sample youth team players and use special measurements not extract the results and concluded the researcher shares variable (strength explosive of the arms ), with the highest percentage of ...


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How to Cite
Wafaa Hadi Nehme. (2024). Finding a predictive value not achieving the weight of pushing in terms of some physical abilities of youth athletes in athletics. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(3), 240–249.