Designing and Standardizing a Device to Measure Agility for Some Offensive Kicks in Terms of the Static and Moving Balance Mechanism for Young Taekwondo Players of Ages (15-17) Years

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Wathiq Ayed Kazem
Ali Salman Abd


And the importance of research is that agility is one of the important elements in Taekwondo sport, especially that it is associated with other physical abilities, and the element of balance is very important in the work of a Taekwondo player, where they must maintain a great deal on his balance in performance, because any imbalance results in the player's fall and loss of attack points. Monitoring the player's performance and measuring her skills is an important and necessary process in judging achievement, and accordingly, the researcher wanted to design devices that measure the agility of some offensive kicks. Under the performance of the static and moving balance element, because the process of kicking, which results from the movement of the two legs, needs to be agile to perform well (because kicking must be directed to the legally permitted areas and warns and holds accountable anyone who deviates from the law, hence the importance of research and the need for it. The aim of the study is to design and codify A device for measuring the agility of the offensive kicks performance, identifying the device’s ability to measure the agility of the offensive kicks. The two researchers used the descriptive method in the survey method. 50% of the original community was formed by using the contributing tools and the designed device, and after obtaining the raw results, they were statistically processed, and the researchers concluded that the designed device is capable and has high validity. N individually measure accuracy of strokes. Accordingly, the researchers recommended that the players should be trained to use the device on their own, in order to be able to constantly monit


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How to Cite
Wathiq Ayed Kazem, & Ali Salman Abd. (2024). Designing and Standardizing a Device to Measure Agility for Some Offensive Kicks in Terms of the Static and Moving Balance Mechanism for Young Taekwondo Players of Ages (15-17) Years. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 3(4), 74–85.