"A matrix correlation for the effective scoring relationship and some physical, skill and tactical variables for football players (analytical study) "

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Tariq. H. Mohammed, Asst.Prof.Dr. Hassan. H. Abdulla


The importance of research in finding a matrix correlation for the ef-fective scoring relationship and some physical, skill and tactical variables for football players, in order to benefit from the results of this study by workers in the field of training for football and reach the prestigious levels, and pro-vide this field with a set of scientific solutions to achieve outstanding sporting achievement.The aim of the research is to prepare a matrix correlation for the effec-tive scoring relationship and some physical, skill and tactical variables for football players, and to identify the effective scoring relationship and some physical, skill and tactical variables for football players.The research hypothesized that there is a statistically significant rela-tionship between the effective scoring and some physical, skill and tactical variables of football players.The researchers used the descriptive approach due to its suitability and the nature of the research, and the research community was deliberately identified with the players of Darbandikhan Sports Club football for the sea-son (2022-2023) of (22) players. The researchers used a questionnaire, an in-terview, and a some of physical, skill, and tactical tests as means to collect data.The data were processed statistically using the Statistical Package of Social Science or SPSS .The researchers concluded a number of conclusions, the most im-portant of which was the emergence of significant correlations between effec-tive scoring and some physical and skill variables in football. then followed by the tactical variables in football, and this is what the results of the study showed


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How to Cite
Tariq. H. Mohammed, Asst.Prof.Dr. Hassan. H. Abdulla. (2024). "A matrix correlation for the effective scoring relationship and some physical, skill and tactical variables for football players (analytical study) ". Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(4), 63–85. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.2023.