The explosive power of the legs and its relationship to the skills of receiving and shooting with one hand in the air among the players of the Popular crowd Club for advanced handball

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haider kazi, hussain yousif


The objectives and importance of the research included:-Identifying the correlation between the skill of receiving with one hand in the air, shooting, and explosive power among the players of the Popular Mobilization Club for advanced handball players.The research hypotheses included:1-There is a correlation between the skill of receiving with one hand in the air, shooting and explosive power among the players of the Popular Mobilization Club for advanced handball players.The researcher chose the research community in the intentional way, which is represented by the players of the Iraqi Handball League for the season (2022/2023). Players of the sample of the reconnaissance experiment, and the goalkeepers, who are (3) guards, were excluded. The researcher touched on presenting, analyzing and discussing the results.- Through the results presented, it was found that there is an inverse correlation for the variable of the skill of receiving with one hand in the air, shooting, and explosive power, as it affects the accuracy of the performance of the chosen skill (the skill of receiving with one hand in the air and shooting)، where the more the player possesses the explosive powers in a large way, the more He is able to perform the skill positivelyAs for the conclusions, the researcher reached several points, the most important of which are:The importance of conducting similar studies on other handball skills-12-Work on the need to pay attention to the skill of aiming by jumping high, as it is one of the most important and difficult offensive skills, in addition to that it creates more compatibility for the player by increasing the accuracy during shooting.- Carrying out studies on different samples of both sexes in a ball game



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How to Cite
haider kazi, hussain yousif. (2024). The explosive power of the legs and its relationship to the skills of receiving and shooting with one hand in the air among the players of the Popular crowd Club for advanced handball. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(4), 86–97.