The effectiveness of a counseling program in decreasing feelings of psychological depression among sixth preparatory students

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Shatha Fouad Al-Maidani Hardan Aziz Al-Shammari, Ali Somoum Al-Fartousi


The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a counseling program for reality therapy in reducing feelings of psychological depression among sixth preparatory students, and the study sample consisted of (33) students, from the students of the preparatory class - Qutaiba Preparatory School for Boys in Baghdad, who were chosen intentionally; Those with high psychological depression, their ages ranged between (17-18) yearsand they were distributed into two groups: an experimental group consisting of (16) students who were exposed to a counseling and treatment program using counseling and reality therapy, And a control group consisted of (17) students who did not receive any counseling program. The researchers used the psychological depression scale, and a therapeutic counseling program of (12) counseling units. in the experimental group. The results of the study found the effectiveness of counseling and treatment with reality through a counseling program in reducing psychological depression among the sixth preparatory student in the experimental group.



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How to Cite
Hardan Aziz Al-Shammari, Ali Somoum Al-Fartousi, S. F. A.-M. (2024). The effectiveness of a counseling program in decreasing feelings of psychological depression among sixth preparatory students. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 128–143.