The role of physical numbers in reducing injuries among basketball players

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Alaa Al-Din Abdullah Taha Al-Muadhini


The aim of the current research was to identify the role of physical prepa-ration in reducing injuries to basketball players, and to identify the role of general physical preparation in reducing injuries to basketball players, and to identify the role of special physical preparation in reducing injuries to bas-ketball players. The researcher used the descriptive approach to fit the nature of the research, achieve its objectives and solve its problem, on a sample of 30 basketball coaches from Andrei, Anbar Governorate. The first axis: “Is general physical preparation a role in reducing injuries among basketball players? It contains (9 phrases), the second axis: “Is special physical preparation a role in reducing injuries among basketball players?” It contains (7 phrases), and the questionnaire was distributed to a group of (30) physical trainers from clubs in Anbar Governorate.The conclusion of the first axis: we accept the existing hypothesis: the general physical preparation has a role in reducing injuries among basketball players, the conclusion of the second axis: we accept the existing hypothesis: the spe-cial physical preparation has a role in reducing injuries among basketball players, the researcher recommends training curricula to do special exercises About injuries in order to reduce the incidence of inju-ry



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How to Cite
Alaa Al-Din Abdullah Taha Al-Muadhini. (2024). The role of physical numbers in reducing injuries among basketball players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(4), 178–190.