The impact of teaching methods and techniques on the quality of motor learning in the basic education Level

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Fatima Olayan


The importance of motor learning comes through acquiring motor skills, improving them, and fixing them in a way that helps in the overall development of the human personality, and these motor skills are integrated with various information and knowledge and cannot be completely separated, which increases the responsibility of the teacher in choosing the appropriate teaching methods and teaching techniques that are able to clarify what is required in school sports activities and reach mastery and fitness. The current paper aims to explore the impact of teaching methods and techniques on the quality of motor learning among students in the basic education stage, by searching in the references and previous studies on the most important standards that must be available in the teaching methods and teaching techniques used in the basic education stage. To obtain the best and best outputs, especially in light of the spread of modern methods, the increasing importance of sports and physical education, and the promotion of physical health.



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How to Cite
Fatima Olayan. (2024). The impact of teaching methods and techniques on the quality of motor learning in the basic education Level. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 176–182.