The role of the physical education and sports class in solving some psychological problems among adolescents in educational institutions at the intermediate stage

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Doki Hamid


The aim of the present study is to identify the role of physical education and sport in solving some of the psychological problems of pupils at the intermediate level of education, where the researcher has chosen from among the psychological problems the problem of naughty in the school environment, and to study this phenomenon the researcher has used a sample of its size (60) pupils from intermediate education, including (30) the practice of physical education and sports; 30 A non-practicing pupil, selected in a random manner, and a comparative descriptive curriculum has been used because it is appropriate for such studies. The researcher's collection of information and data relied on the scale of naughty in the school environment Dr. Hisham Abdulrahman Al-Khouli 2004. After data collection and statistical processing, statistically significant differences between pupils practicing physical education and sports compared to non-practitioners were found for the pupils' benefit. Among the findings, the study recommended the need to sensitize the importance of promoting the actual and systematic practice of physical education and sport. This is detrimental to its positive impact on pupils' mental health and the reduction of uncomfortable behavior. This ensures the provision of sports facilities that help to practice and raise the size of the endeavor from two hours a week to 4 hours. in addition to the formation and expansion of practice across all segments of society.



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How to Cite
Doki Hamid. (2024). The role of the physical education and sports class in solving some psychological problems among adolescents in educational institutions at the intermediate stage. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 195–204. Retrieved from