Some functional, biochemical and skill variables resulting from the ef-fect of special exercises for advanced basketball players

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Ahmed Salman Jawad, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hassan Yas


The importance of a research on the practical application of this method has emerged because this training method is one of the modern methods used in sports training that works to develop some functional, biochemical and skill abilities faster and in a shorter time than other traditional training methods. In the last quarter of the match (the fourth quarter), the researchers noticed a weakness in skills through a decrease in concentration among the players in the last minutes of the match. This problem appeared in all players through a decline in the level of performance result-ing from fatigue, which affects functional, biochemical and skill variables. This is a result of the lack of concentration in shooting in the last quarter of the match, and this is what most coaches of Iraqi Premier League basketball clubs suffer from, which made the researchers pay attention to this problem and find solutions to it by applying special exercises and knowing their impact on the functional, biochemical and skill abilities of advanced basketball players, and aims search: To prepare spe-cial exercises for some functional, biochemical and skill variables for advanced basketball players. And to identify the effect of special exercises on some functional, biochemical and skill variables for advanced basketball players. The researchers adopted the experimental method as it was the most appropriate to the nature of the problem to be studied using a two-group method for the experimental and control groups. The research population was identified as (12) Premier League basketball players for the 2022-2023 sports season, and the Tigris University Club was chosen intentionally to be the research sample. The club consists of (12) players, and by dividing the sample of research individuals into two groups (experimental and con-trolled). The distribution was (6) players for each group. The researcher used ap-propriate tests for the purpose of extracting variables, and the results were pro-cessed using appropriate statistical methods. The researchers came to the following conclusions:1- The researchers’ use of exercises had a positive impact during the training units on the players, which contributed to the development of functional, biochemical and skill variables among the basketball players of the research sample in the pre- and post-tests.In light of the conclusions reached by the researchers, the researchers can recom-mend the following:1- Using scientific principles when developing and preparing exercises in terms of intensity, volume, and comfort, because of its positive impact on developing the functional, biochemical, and skill variables in basketball for the experimental group.



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How to Cite
Ahmed Salman Jawad, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hassan Yas. (2024). Some functional, biochemical and skill variables resulting from the ef-fect of special exercises for advanced basketball players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 6(1), 1–13.