and their impact on developing the explosive and speed-distinguishing forces of the arms of talented table tennis players ages of (13-14) years

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Jafar Hussein Shinyar


The objective of the study was to reveal special exercises using some aids and their impact on the development of the two explosive forces and the strength characteristic of the speed of the arms for table tennis talents and the extent to which the difference between the two characteristics in the pre and posttest of effect of special exercises on sample individuals..The researcher used the experimental approach with the experimental and control group for its suitability and the nature of the research. The re-search sample consisted of (14) players who were divided into two groups (6) for each group, (1) control and (6) experimental and two to conduct the ex-ploratory experiment on them, and the researcher conducted the appropriate tests for each of them. The explosive power and speed characteristic of the arms were then used.Exercises with aids for the experimental group and without means for the control group. The researcher used statistical methods (the spss statistical bag) based on the arithmetic mean and standard deviation, and the (T) test for related samples and the (T) test for independent samples, while the control group stands on the usual training of the trainer, and the training using the auxiliary means of “tied ligaments, chains and hoops” achieves superiority in the variables of the explosive forces of the legs, which are distinguished by the speed of the arms, than training without the use of these means in the same variables for the sample members of the control group.


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How to Cite
Jafar Hussein Shinyar. (2024). and their impact on developing the explosive and speed-distinguishing forces of the arms of talented table tennis players ages of (13-14) years. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 6(1), 40–51.