Job performance of department heads at the Rusafa Management Institute from the point of view of teachers

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Hassan Talal Khalaf


The efficiency of the department and its ability to achieve its goals and the goals of the university depend to a large extent on the administrative and academic competence of its head. The efficiency of the scientific department is determined by the capabilities and preparations of the department head. He is the leader and manager who directs others towards achieving the department’s goals. It is necessary to examine the nature of the job performance of department heads at the Rusafa Management Institute. The Central Technical University evaluates them in a way that ensures the improvement of their performance, especially after the emergence of a kind of dissatisfaction among some members of the bodyThe teaching community included the teaching staff in all scientific departments at the Institute of Administration, Rusafa, Central Technical University, and the number of departments is (8). The study sample was chosen randomly from the original community, which numbered (115) teaching staff. The results of the research resulted in the enjoyment of the heads of scientific departments at the Institute of Administration, Rusafa, University. The middle technology has a high level of job performance and the heads of scientific departments have the ability to complete the work assigned to them on time.



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How to Cite
Hassan Talal Khalaf. (2024). Job performance of department heads at the Rusafa Management Institute from the point of view of teachers. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 6(1), 52–68.