The effect of dynamic lactic exercises on the development of special endurance and the performance of some defensive skills for handball players

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. Qassem Hassan KADHIM Ghasq Taher Habib


Achieving the physical and skill requirements of handball for this game, especially at the high levels, must have a significant development in the level of sports training according to special exercises prepared by the coach. Which helps the player to perform a variety and fast, and this requires him to make more effort and speed in performance in line with the speed of the game, Therefore, the research problem was manifested by the existence of a weakness in physical abilities, including special endurance, and this in turn became evident in the performance of defensive skills, so the researchers decided in their attempt to improve the level of performance of defensive skills, through the implementation of exercises in a dynamic lactic style to develop special endurance (endurance of strength, endurance of performance) and some defensive skills. Objectives of the research Preparing dynamic lactic exercises in order to develop special endurance and some defensive skills for handball players and to identify the impact of these exercises in developing special endurance and some defensive skills for handball players. There is a positive effect of dynamic lactic exercises in the development of special endurance and the performance of some defensive skills for handball players. As for the research method, the researchers used the experimental approach with two equal groups, the control and the experimental, with the cardiac and post-test. All members of the community, as the research sample was chosen by the intentional method, and the sample included (18) players, They were divided into two groups, experimental and control, by means of a simple lottery, each group included (9) players, where the experimental group dealt with lactic exercises, and the control group dealt with trainer exercises. Training for two months, at a rate of (3) units per week As the total number of units reached (24) training units, the components of the training load were taken into account and standardized in accordance with the research objectives, as well as the players' physical and skill capabilities. The research The researchers recommended the use of lactic exercises with other variables and for other handball skills.



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How to Cite
Ghasq Taher Habib, . Q. H. K. (2024). The effect of dynamic lactic exercises on the development of special endurance and the performance of some defensive skills for handball players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 253–262.