Using some statistical measures to study the psychological state of players infected with the Covid 19 virus

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Anmar Adnan Khudhair Hamid Abbas AL- marzoog


In this paper, the psychological state of a group of sports players who were previously infected with the Covid 19 virus was studied, and the researcher worked on this study after many researchers dealt with the problems and extensions of this virus. The study was carried out through a questionnaire that was distributed to athletes infected with the virus, as it dealt with several axes looking to know the psychological and moral damage resulting from this epidemic, and does the game live in a state of fear after exposure to infection, and is there a psychological trauma that affects its moral and physical level, especially many players Those who suffered this injury were terrified and afraid that they would not be able to return to their normal level. The researcher used some statistical measures to study and analyze the results, including (the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation), where the data was analyzed through the statistical program (R programming language), and in the end the researcher concluded that there is an effect on the psychological state of individuals who are athletes infected with Covid 19 compared to their non-infected peers.



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How to Cite
Hamid Abbas AL- marzoog, A. A. K. (2024). Using some statistical measures to study the psychological state of players infected with the Covid 19 virus. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 263–268.